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Not all range of motion is created equal

Type: Theory & Practical

By Ken Miller – National Academy of Sports Medicine

When was the last time you looked at your flexibility routine? How often, how much, and what to do are usually questions asked of your workout or cardio workouts so why not look at flexibility with as much focus and attention? This workshop will address the question, “Why is flexibility important?”, “What kind of flexibility do I need?” and “What techniques are the best for me and my clients?”.


Handstands and Mobility Workshop

Type: Practical

By Marina Pavlenko

This workshop is perfect for beginners or students who want to revisit basics and build a solid base to be able to perform a handstand. This workshop is meant to build awareness with regards to mobility, strength, compressions, body tensioning, and stacking of body parts into a handstand.

What to expect:

  • Mobility and strength-building exercises for tissues around the wrists, shoulders, and hips.

  • Shoulder prehab exercises that will help to prevent injuries or help with existing ones.

  • Building a basic understanding of the handstand line on the floor and structural integrity to maintain it as effortlessly as possible.

  • The wall will help students to build the confidence to stay upside down and feel safer in the handstand position.

  • Introduction to dynamic body tensioning, the use of finger, glute, toe tensioning and safe exits (loads of cartwheels) from a handstand.

  • Transitioning into wall-assisted handstands, wall toe pulls, wall heel pulls and if not on the same day then ONE DAY a freestanding handstand.


Handstands and Mobility Workshop
Not all range of motion is created equal
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